Into the Heart of Compassion: Workshop with Dawa Gail Lorien, PhD

Into the Heart of Compassion
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Morning Session, 10 am – 12:30 pm: Self-Compassion
Afternoon Session: 2:30 – 4 pm: Cultivating Compassion and Loving Kindness for Others
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Morning Session: 10 am – 12 Noon (followed by potluck lunch)
Introduction to the Practice of Active Compassion
Kindness and compassion are basic innate human qualities; however they are not always easy to embody in the midst of the stress and demands of daily life. This is especially true for those of us in care giving roles. The good news, compassion is trainable. Simple practices can put us in touch with our innate compassion and help us cultivate compassion for ourselves and those around us—at home, at work and in every aspect of our lives.
In this weekend intensive, you will be offered practices that tap your capacity to cultivate compassion, inquire into what blocks its expression and learn processes to open your body, mind and heart to the possibility of choosing compassion — as a response to life’s challenges.
Dawa Gail Lorien Ph.D., has been a student of Buddhist Meditation for over 35 years and completed a monastic education as a student of Kalu Rinpoche. In 1985 she moved to Honauau, Hawaii; returning to the Mainland in 1996 to pursue a PhD in Cultural Anthropology. She has worked in social services for over twenty years both in Hawaii and San Francisco Bay Area. In 2010 she began working with Stanford’s CCare, receiving her certification as a Compassion Cultivation teacher. Her life’s objective is a seamless integration of present awareness, mindfulness and compassion into daily life—balancing a contemplative retreat life with family and work. She has taught Compassion Cultivation at Cancer Support Community, Solano State Prison and at the Dzogchen Community in Berkeley.

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Captain Cook, Hawaii, 96704